sábado, 12 de mayo de 2007
Bloggin for English class
In this year I experience a new way of doing work, with blogger.com I make my 10 blog for the English class were I had to reflect in 300 words of the reading in class to have points for my grades. This was a good experience and easy, it’s true that sometimes I got lazy for writing in every week but at the end it didn't cost me anything of my student time. It is easier because in the week I didn't have to hand in Jobs of the English class and just. This happened to us because the professor is a young men and student who knows all the works of other classes the other professor give to us and use this alternative of bloggin in the internet because we all love the internet and while we chat we can even make the blogs the English professor assign to the students. In my opinion I will like if the others professor use this alternative of internet works in this site blogger.com because students won't be unable to do this blogs because there is internet in college and probably in their house and it I cool doing it. Some advices I can give for this site is the use of correct the wrong words in the format and more decorations for the blog space to make it more cool and nice for others to visit. This English was really fun with this blogs and I believe the professor will continue using this because who didn't make the 10 blogs is a really lazy person probably more than me and that’s really lazy but other didn't because they have problems that the professor probably understand. Every one in the class that talks to me about bloggin now that is easy and comfortable for having easy grades than to be all the week making home works.

Reading the comic Maus when can see threw the experiences of the Jews before the world war II. The German had the control of the Jews and the polish and they treated the Jews as animals with human bodies, They didn't care about the Jews who were afraid of the Germans because the power in the world they had was so big that even the Jews that were more than the Germans were scared of them. In Maus we can seethe narration of a young Artie with his father telling him all the success that wen't trew those conflicts. Artie and his father were having problems in father and son relationship but in the course of the story some of those problems were resolve. In this comic is seen the holocaust live by the Jews and how they suffer during this terrible times. Arties father live this holocaust but he survived and his wife don't, Arties father was an intelligent men that find the way as some of the Jews did to escape the crazy tortures invented by the Germans to torture the Jews. This comic has 2 books; the first one describes the war between the polish and Jews vs. the Germans and second book talks more of the holocaust of the Jews. By reading and observing this comics drawings its perfectly understand the crisis that the Jews had in this era and how it affects them with their families, wife’s and children suffering a terrible pain because the Germans control the world and didn't believe Jews were human and just a race. This is how a human with power is controlled by the devil and make this awful crimes to God and to the humanity killing in a crazy way with no pain and no misery for other human brother.
lunes, 16 de abril de 2007
M. Buterffly
In this story M. butterfly is about a crazy love that is not suppose to happened were Rene Gallimard fall in love with a opera singer Song Lilling, She is a men that was transformed to a women and who trick Gallimard to be friends in love. While their appasionate love Song was taking information from Galimmard and he without knowing nothing about the bad intentions and the trick he was building in Gallimard life. Gallimard went to Jail when they found out the entire information take from him and he discovers that he has been 20 years with a men Song who was with him just to take information from the French government to the Chinese. At the end of the story Gallimard suicide because he felt depressed when he knew he was marry to a men for 20 years and he didn't notice in all does years and besides that it was a spy for the Chinese government. In this story we can see how life can be so crazy to anyone that thinks to be in a perfect situation and how this can affect that person, that’s why the persons have to b sure of what they are doing before getting in a love that can easily destroy their life’s how happened to Rene Gallimard a good men intelligent, brilliant, fall in love with the wrong person and finish his life miserable and he had the opportunity to have a good life but he let his feelings control him and take him to love a men. This is a perfect situation that can happened in life it looks impossible but this can happened and the author probably write because he knows someone that pass this situation and he wants that the people be aware of tricks that people can prepare to us for their benefit.
lunes, 26 de marzo de 2007
you fit into me
you fit into me
like a hook into an eye
a fish hook
an open eye
This is a real open poem where to me talks about love and the way partners fit each other to be in love and if they are compatible to be together in the rest of their life. This poem has a great simile that is like a hook into an eye were the author refers to fit together and let a mark for ever a connection between two boddies that are in love that probably never tought they were going to love each other is this poem about. This poem to our society tells that you can find the perfect match for love. Is like the only thing a person can put togheter to be united a fish hook and the people have to open their eyes so they can se the perfect match in love that a person need to be happy for ever and ever. I like this poem because it is about love and by reading it you can that someone in this world is the perfect person to love andto have a familly that can fit like a hook into an eye were it will be less problemes that can be resolved more easily. This author find perfect similles to created a short and good poem that gives to anyone in love the instruments to find love in this world.
like a hook into an eye
a fish hook
an open eye
This is a real open poem where to me talks about love and the way partners fit each other to be in love and if they are compatible to be together in the rest of their life. This poem has a great simile that is like a hook into an eye were the author refers to fit together and let a mark for ever a connection between two boddies that are in love that probably never tought they were going to love each other is this poem about. This poem to our society tells that you can find the perfect match for love. Is like the only thing a person can put togheter to be united a fish hook and the people have to open their eyes so they can se the perfect match in love that a person need to be happy for ever and ever. I like this poem because it is about love and by reading it you can that someone in this world is the perfect person to love andto have a familly that can fit like a hook into an eye were it will be less problemes that can be resolved more easily. This author find perfect similles to created a short and good poem that gives to anyone in love the instruments to find love in this world.
domingo, 11 de marzo de 2007
Poem"Latin Women Pray"

In this poem the poet explains how Latin’s act when they go to church that they are not like other countries were they don't visit your church because they are not of that religion but Latin’s don't think that way they love to visit other churches no matter if they are Jewish or if they don't understand what the church talk's about what they want is to have some relationship with God. What this poem refers is to the races and class of people were is always a controversy between the genders and this ends in a fight of religion what is not suppose to happened. This poem also has no rime and no assonance on it but it is like and explanation of a situation Latin’s have to deal in their life because how they don't have an specific religion people ignore them and don't want Latin’s to join their religion. A lot of the Latin women in times around 1952 were was written this poem looks like they were hoping that God help them and they were desperate because in this times was when the Spanish people was coming to America and almost all of them were poor people who need some help to maintain their families but this take this women to go to churches were they didn't understand nothing they were talking but their only dream was that God help them to survive in this country were they were being humiliated by people who they didn't understand what they were talking because they didn't know that language. This poem explain us how our Latin people suffer and fell spiritually and that they knew that without that big God they weren’t going to survive and this was something serious to the Latin’s because now they have successfully achieve their goals is America that are Respect of their precedence.
viernes, 2 de marzo de 2007
"Inside poetry"

In poetry readers have to use all their five senses to figure out what the poem is about because it is not like a normal phrase written in a book that is easy to understand, poetry is really beautiful, because you can imagine what you read without looking an image that’s why poetry a creation is made of what the poet loves and desires the poets have to make different kinds of rhymes with the poem they write giving life to it and sometimes they use assonance to do this. In poetry images poets write a poem were they presents images that they feel to present in words giving sense to them as the poem's we read in class that have rhythm in the way their images were presented give us a lot of way's of interoperating them because no one thinks the same way and I believe that's what this poets want’s us to find in this poems our way to be compare ourselves with the poem having fun with it and imagining things we have never see. I like this poetry because am not so good on it and I will love to understand them so in a future I could probably write a poem or became a poet because I believe everyone has poetry in their interior and have big imagination that can be use in some areas in life.
domingo, 18 de febrero de 2007

Evelyn who was becoming an adult women had serious problems with his father who won’t her to do everything he wants and had no respect for the hard working she has done without his mom alive. She raised his brothers as how his mother tells her before she died she should do and she never break that path made with his mother. A man fall in love with her and tell her to leave with him to a place name Buenos Aires. He was waiting her with open hands in a boat but she felt scared and traitor to his family that she renege the offer that a man in love with her offered her.
In this story were in comparison with these days is something that a women will never let go because they will not care about no one of his family but Emily offer her self to his mother and if she make a path or promise she should accomplish it how he made it so Emily is a true and honest women that would take a promise until she died or until his father and brothers don't need her because she knows that means like the one that love her can come and go in a 100 years so he wasn't the only men in this world that can love her and who knows what intentions he had to take her to a far place where she didn't know no one and far from his family. I believe Evelyn made a hard decision when denying to love a men who offers a good life when she was living in pain with his father but she forgot his father and take in mind that her mother love her and we can see that she appreciated that her mother let him in a really hard path that is to be long time with his family because is obvious that his father will die soon deducting that he is a sad person since her mother died so Emily probably has in mind to take care of his father until he dies and then make his life with a men.
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