''Hills like White Elephant'' Is a complicated short story were we can see that the authors purpose is to make the reader's be in the story to interpret ate it and to find out what is behind of the dialog between the two characters that are a girl and an American men. While reading the story we figure out that is a complicated dialog that sometimes is a good conversation that in any second can become a discussion. In the story the author use ''hills like white elephant’ because that’s a way were he explain us what is the story about and the message that he wants to bring us the readers and he also what’s to show a big problem in our society that is abortion and this is a conflict were the couples have trouble to decide what to do with that situation and morely they finish separate because they get confuse with the situation and that makes them argue and fight because they probably think a different way to resolve that problem. As a reader I interpret ate this story and involve it in our daily because a lot of young couples pass threw this situations and sometimes they don't know what they are doing and that is killing a son of God because no matter if they are poor or young that little baby can have in a future a lots of blessing to their own family ad help them achieve their goal's but that's not what the couple think our either the women’s or girls that think in doing abortion; They probably think that their son will never progress or God will not help them to give that little kid food, but that’s not what God wants and if they don't do abortion and trust in God he will give them all the blessing that his son will need to be successful in life and in the same way he will do the same with the couple or the one that stays with the kid. So we should never do thinks that are not good to the eyes of good so he will always bless us and our heritage.