sábado, 12 de mayo de 2007
Bloggin for English class
In this year I experience a new way of doing work, with blogger.com I make my 10 blog for the English class were I had to reflect in 300 words of the reading in class to have points for my grades. This was a good experience and easy, it’s true that sometimes I got lazy for writing in every week but at the end it didn't cost me anything of my student time. It is easier because in the week I didn't have to hand in Jobs of the English class and just. This happened to us because the professor is a young men and student who knows all the works of other classes the other professor give to us and use this alternative of bloggin in the internet because we all love the internet and while we chat we can even make the blogs the English professor assign to the students. In my opinion I will like if the others professor use this alternative of internet works in this site blogger.com because students won't be unable to do this blogs because there is internet in college and probably in their house and it I cool doing it. Some advices I can give for this site is the use of correct the wrong words in the format and more decorations for the blog space to make it more cool and nice for others to visit. This English was really fun with this blogs and I believe the professor will continue using this because who didn't make the 10 blogs is a really lazy person probably more than me and that’s really lazy but other didn't because they have problems that the professor probably understand. Every one in the class that talks to me about bloggin now that is easy and comfortable for having easy grades than to be all the week making home works.

Reading the comic Maus when can see threw the experiences of the Jews before the world war II. The German had the control of the Jews and the polish and they treated the Jews as animals with human bodies, They didn't care about the Jews who were afraid of the Germans because the power in the world they had was so big that even the Jews that were more than the Germans were scared of them. In Maus we can seethe narration of a young Artie with his father telling him all the success that wen't trew those conflicts. Artie and his father were having problems in father and son relationship but in the course of the story some of those problems were resolve. In this comic is seen the holocaust live by the Jews and how they suffer during this terrible times. Arties father live this holocaust but he survived and his wife don't, Arties father was an intelligent men that find the way as some of the Jews did to escape the crazy tortures invented by the Germans to torture the Jews. This comic has 2 books; the first one describes the war between the polish and Jews vs. the Germans and second book talks more of the holocaust of the Jews. By reading and observing this comics drawings its perfectly understand the crisis that the Jews had in this era and how it affects them with their families, wife’s and children suffering a terrible pain because the Germans control the world and didn't believe Jews were human and just a race. This is how a human with power is controlled by the devil and make this awful crimes to God and to the humanity killing in a crazy way with no pain and no misery for other human brother.
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